Sunday, October 6, 2013

The church, a body of hurting people worshiping a God of all comfort..

It's been a long week. I'm tired, I've been working night shift for most of it and by now, it's Sunday evening and the last thing I wanted to do was go to church. I would have far rather spent the evening in bed with a movie avoiding social contact. However, my mother had been to church this morning and came home to inform me that our minister had been asking how I have been keeping, that he would really like to see me at the service.

Cafe Church begins at 6:30pm and by 6:15pm, I was still in bed convinced that I would not be leaving the house.

It's always when I least want to go to church, I find that God speaks the loudest. I'm not sure whether it is to do with my spirit feeling more tender or whether God is screaming right at me. Whatever it was, I was glad that I went.

We have just began a new series in James this evening. The verses that our minister stopped on where the following [emphases mine]:

12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of lifewhich God has promised to those who love him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. 
As I said to begin with, I'm tired. I went to church because my mother wanted me to.

I arrived, took my usual seat, beside a few of the older ladies from our congregation, (I find when I don't want to be there, if I sit with them, I'll learn something no matter what...)

Looking around the hall, tonight instead of seeing a group of people who I usually am convinced have got it all together, I seen something far more beautiful. I seen a body of hurting people coming together to worship our God, the God of all comfort. The God who has experienced trials, pain and every human emotion possible.

We are not people who have got life sorted out. I'm glad that we're not.

But more so, I'm glad that at the end of all our pain, we will receive a crown of life.

When God speaks, it feels like he is screaming at me.

I'm glad of this also.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Oz, the update.

The above photo is a what arrived in the post this morning from Australia. The journey is getting closer.

Please pray for the visa process which can now officially begin.

Please pray that I will be able to glorify God during the process.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Journey to Oz...

For some who know me, you will know that God has been doing some strange and wonderful things in my life over the last few years. Leading up to this point in time.

I graduated from Uni last October with a degree in Youth and Children's Studies with Theology, so that means I've been qualified for 1 year now.

I've been praying for what the next stage of my journey will be, and now God seems to be taking me on a journey to Australia.
I have been offered a placement in a school called Calrossy Anglican School in Tamworth, New South Wales. God willing, I will be starting my appointment on 20th January 2014.

The next stage of this adventure means a visa process. Over the next few months on the lead up to my move, I will be posting updates regarding my visa and other things with the hope that those who pray, may be lead to pray for this journey. That God's will be done in all of the admin and financial aspects.